VoIP Black List

This mode of operation downloads the VoIP Black List and loads it into the firewall. This is a community submitted list that contains over 55K IP entries of known SIP abusers.

Default Operation

This mode of operation is the ViciBox default for new server installations. It is enabled through the the root’s crontab.

Default crontab entry
### ViciBox integrated firewall, by default just load the VoIP Black list and reload it every 4 hours
### You can lock everyone out of your server if you set this wrong, so understand what you are doing!!!
@reboot /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --quiet
0 */6 * * * /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --quiet

To disable the VoIP Black List just comment out the last two lines above in the crontab.

Commented crontab entry
### ViciBox integrated firewall, by default just load the VoIP Black list and reload it every 4 hours
### You can lock everyone out of your server if you set this wrong, so understand what you are doing!!!
#@reboot /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --quiet
#0 */6 * * * /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --quiet