
The concept of zones in firewalld, the underlying firewall in ViciBox, is applied globally to all connections. This means that any network traffic recieved on any network interface can be moved to a specific zone if it matches a rule. The default zone assigned to the network interface is only used when no other matching rule was found.

For example, even though eth0 on the server has IP and is in the Trusted zone by default, it’s possible to have IP be sent to the External zone if it’s included on the ViciDial Whitelist. Haphazardly adding IP address’ to things not understanding this concept is the biggest cause of ‘The whitelist/portal isn’t working’, ‘I can’t access the server anymore’, and other timeless classics.


The public zone is the ‘Default’ zone for all interfaces. This zone restricts access to everything on the server except what’s needed for ViciDial. Any service that needs to be available to the general public goes in this zone.


This zone is where the LAN network interface will need to be placed. Everything in this zone is allowed to connect to anything on the server. There is no need to add to remove services from this zone as it allows everything by default. It is functionally equivalent to turning the firewall completely off.


This zone is for allowed or authenticated access. The ViciDial Whitelist and Dynamic Portal will assign IP address’ to this zone. Any services you want remote or work-from-home agents to have access to will need to be listed in this zone. By default all needed services for ViciDial are already added.